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Understanding Component Upgrades in an Upstream Rafay MKS Cluster

Upgrading a Kubernetes cluster is a crucial process that ensures your infrastructure stays up-to-date with the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches. As part of this process, several components within the cluster undergo upgrades.

In this blog post, we will explore the components that typically get upgraded during a cluster upgrade and highlight some of the periodic upgrades that both Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) and Rafay undertakes to enhance cluster performance and stability.

Components Upgraded During MKS Cluster Upgrade:

The specific components that undergo upgrades may vary depending on the Kubernetes version and the cluster's configuration. However, there are some core components that commonly get upgraded during the cluster upgrade process. Here is a list of core components commonly upgraded during the cluster upgrade process:

  1. kube-apiserver
  2. kube-controller-manager
  3. kube-scheduler
  4. kubelet
  5. kube-proxy
  6. coredns

Periodic Upgrades on MKS Cluster Type:

In addition to the upgrades performed during the standard cluster upgrade process, both CSPs and rafay periodically upgrade specific components to ensure the cluster's overall health, performance, and security. Here are some of the components that are commonly upgraded

  1. CNI versions
  2. Containerd
  3. Consul
  4. ETCD
  5. CNI Plugins
  6. Crictl


Keeping your MKS cluster up-to-date with component upgrades is essential to leverage the latest Kubernetes features, bug fixes, and security enhancements.