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A common pattern is for users to use Terraform to provision Kubernetes clusters perhaps using a Jenkins based pipeline. These brownfield clusters can then be imported into the controller.

Typical Automation Sequence

The image below showcases a Jenkins based "pipeline" that automates the following steps.

  1. Uses Terraform to provision a Kubernetes cluster based on a version controlled cluster spec in a Git repo.
  2. Imports the raw Kubernetes cluster into the Controller
  3. Brings the cluster to a state of compliance with specified cluster blueprint.

Automated Import Sequence

Cluster Specification

Create and manage version controlled, declarative specifications for your clusters. Example cluster specifications are available in this public Git repo.

Create Cluster

To create the cluster on the controller with a cluster config file, use the following command:

./rctl apply -f <cluster config spec>

After creating the cluster, download the bootstrap YAML file for that cluster using the command:

./rctl get clusterbootstrap <cluster_name> > <cluster_bootstrap.yaml>

Apply the downloaded bootstrap YAML file to your existing clusters using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f <cluster_bootstrap.yaml>

Note: Ensure to replace with the created cluster name.

Customers can seamlessly import their existing clusters into the controller using the provided specifications below. Depending on the cluster type, users can refer to the respective configurations outlined.

AKS Cluster Import

For importing an existing AKS cluster, utilize the following configuration:

kind: Cluster
  name: demo-imported-v3-aks
  project: demo
    name: minimal
    kubernetesProvider: AKS
    location: azure/centralindia   # Location: azure/centralindia (optional)
    provisionEnvironment: CLOUD
  proxyConfig: {}
  type: imported

EKS Cluster Import

To import an EKS cluster, refer to the following configuration:

kind: Cluster
  name: demo-imported-v3-eks
  project: demo
    name: minimal
    kubernetesProvider: EKS
    location: aws/us-west-2   # Location: aws/us-west-2 (optional)
    provisionEnvironment: CLOUD
  proxyConfig: {}
  type: imported

OnPrem Cluster Import

For importing an OnPrem cluster, use the following configuration:

kind: Cluster
  name: demo-imported-other1
  project: defaultproject
    name: minimal
    kubernetesProvider: OTHER
    provisionEnvironment: ONPREM
  proxyConfig: {}
  type: imported

Note: - provisionEnvironment supported values: CLOUD, ONPREM - kubernetesProvider supported values: AKS, EKS, GKE, OPENSHIFT, OTHER, RKE, EKSANYWHERE - Location is optional

V1 Cluster Spec

AKS Cluster Import

In the example below, the cluster will be provided a name "demo-cluster" in the Controller. It will be imported into the "defaultproject" and be provisioned with the "minimal" cluster blueprint.

kind: Cluster
  name: demo-cluster
  project: defaultproject
    awsaccountid: demo_id
    awsacmid: demo_id
    env: devops
    hostedzoneid: demo_id
    region: us-west-2
  blueprint: minimal
  blueprintversion: Latest
  location: azure/uksouth
  cloudProvider: AKS
  type: imported

List Clusters

To retrieve a specific imported cluster, use the below command

./rctl get cluster <importedcluster_name>


./rctl get cluster demo-importedcluster
| NAME                   | TYPE      | OWNERSHIP | PROVISION STATUS          |
| demo-importedcluster   | imported  | self      |                           |

To retrieve a specific v3 cluster details, use the below command

./rctl get cluster demo-importedcluster --v3


./rctl get cluster demo-importedcluster --v3
| NAME                   | CREATED AT                    | OWNERSHIP | TYPE     | BLUEPRINT | PROVISION STATUS          |
| demo-importedcluster   | 2023-06-05 10:54:08 +0000 UTC | self      | imported |           |                           |

To view the entire v3 cluster config spec, use the below command

./rctl get cluster <importedcluster_name> --v3 -o json


./rctl get cluster <importedcluster_name> --v3 -o yaml

Download Cluster Config

Use the below command to download an imported Cluster Config file

./rctl get cluster config <ClusterName> <ClusterConfigFileName.yaml>


/rctl get cluster config demo-imported demo-importedcluster-config.yaml

To download a v3 cluster config, use the below command

./rctl get cluster config <cluster-name> --v3


Download the cluster configuration only after the cluster is completely provisioned

Delete Cluster

Already imported clusters can be deleted using the RCTL CLI. Note that this operation only deletes the cluster instance on the controller. The cluster administrator needs to manually delete the final remnants of the k8s operator on imported clusters.

rctl delete cluster <name of cluster>

Jenkins Example

Here is an example Jenkins pipeline to import an existing Kubernetes cluster into a specific project.