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This is a multi-part, self paced quick start exercise to explore deploying workloads. You will learn how to deploy both Helm and YAML workloads from local files as well as Github repositories. You will also look at Day-2 operations of updating the workloads.

Learn more about workloads here.

What Will You Do by Part

Part What will you do?
1 Deploy a Kubernetes YAML workload by uploading the YAML file to the controller which will deploy it on a remote cluster
2 Deploy a Helm chart based workload from Git repository to a remote cluster
3 Update the YAML and Helm workloads from Parts 1 and 2


  • You have access to an existing managed cluster (imported or provisioned by the controller)
  • You have access to a GitHub account
  • You have downloaded the RCTL CLI
  • You have initialized the RCTL CLI


The instructions describe the process using a combination of the RCTL CLI and the web console. The same steps can be performed using the REST APIs or a Terraform provider for automation.