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For the latest Pipeline CLI information, see the Pipeline CLI topic.

The table below describes the list of actions that can be performed on "pipelines" using the RCTL CLI Utility.

Resource Create Get Update Delete
pipeline YES YES YES YES

Create Pipeline

A declarative approach to lifecycle management of pipelines is strongly recommended backed by the pipeline manifests (YAML files) that are version controlled in your Git repository.


You can create a pipeline in the project in your Organization based on a version controlled pipeline spec that you can store in a Git repository. This enables users to develop automation for reproducible infrastructure.

./rctl create pipeline -f pipeline.yaml

An illustrative example of the pipeline spec YAML file is shown below.

kind: Pipeline
  name: sample-pipeline
  project: sample-project
  - name: stage1
    stageType: ApprovalStage
        approvalType: Email
        - [email protected]
        timeout: 0s
      onFailure: Stop
  - name: stage2
    stageType: DeployWorkloadStage
        workloadRef: jhef
      onFailure: Stop
  - source: stage1
    target: stage2

List Pipelines

Use this command to retrieve the list of pipelines in the configured Project. An illustrative example is shown below where RCTL retrieves the list of pipelines in the project "qa".

./rctl get pipeline -p qa
| PIPELINE NAME | STATUS    | STAGES                                    | EDGES(SOURCE-TARGET)           | CREATE AT                    |
| nginx         | Activated | deploy_nginx_workload:DeployWorkloadStage |                                | Sun Dec 20 23:09:00 UTC 2020 |
| multitenant   | Activated | approval:ApprovalStage,                   | approval-tenant-a,             | Mon Dec 21 19:43:40 UTC 2020 |
|               |           | tenant-a:DeployWorkloadStage,             | tenant-a-tenant-b,             |                              |
|               |           | tenant-b:DeployWorkloadStage,             | tenant-b-tenant-c              |                              |
|               |           | tenant-c:DeployWorkloadStage              |                                |                              |

Get The Specific Pipeline Info

Use this command to retrieve a specific pipeline's details in the configured project.

./rctl get pipeline <pipeline-name> -p <project-name>

Below is the illustrative example for the pipeline called "nginx"

./rctl get pipeline nginx
| PIPELINE NAME | STATUS    | STAGES                                    | EDGES(SOURCE-TARGET) | CREATE AT                    |
| nginx         | Activated | deploy_nginx_workload:DeployWorkloadStage |                      | Sun Dec 20 23:09:00 UTC 2020 |

Or you can use below command to get more information of the addon in json or yaml format

./rctl get pipeline <pipeline-name> -o json
./rctl get pipeline <pipeline-name> -o yaml

Delete Pipeline

You can delete a pipeline in the configured project.

./rctl delete pipeline <pipeline-name>