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These exercises cover the fundamentals of Kubernetes and working with containerized applications. These exercises are designed to run on a laptop to provide a simple way of learning.

What Will You Do

Part What will you do?
Prerequisite Install MicroK8s Kubernetes Cluster
101 Namespaces, Pods, Deployments, Services, Ingress
201 ConfigMaps, Secrets, PV, PVCs
301 Statefulsets, Daemonsets


This exercise assumes that you have access to the following:

  • A laptop/desktop
  • A reliable Internet connection (to install software and download container images)

Clone Git Repo

Declarative specs for Kubernetes resources used in this exercise are available in a public Git repository.

Clone the Git repository to your laptop using the command below. Once complete, you should see a folder called "getstarted" which contains the specs needed for this guide.

git clone