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This is a multi-part, self paced quick start exercise that users can follow to experience the key capabilities of the platform with a Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

What Will You Do

Part What will you do?
1 Import OpenShift cluster into the controller
2 Perform kubectl operations on your cluster using zero trust kubectl and view kubectl access audit logs
3 Configure and publish a namespace to the OpenShift cluster
4 Configure and publish a custom cluster blueprint and apply it to the cluster
5 View the Integrated Dashboards for Visibility and Monitoring
flowchart TB
    A(Import) --> B(Zero Trust Kubectl)
    B -->C(Namespace Management)
    C -->D(Cluster Blueprint)
    D -->E(Visibility & Monitoring)


Users can use other Rafay capabilities (e.g. Policy Management, App Lifecycle via GitOps etc.) with OpenShift. These are not captured as part of this self paced exercise.


This exercise assumes that you have access to the following: