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Part 2: Workload

What Will You Do

In this part of the self-paced exercise, you will deploy a Windows workload to the Windows node on the MKS Cluster.

Step 1: Create Namespace

In this step, we will create a namespace using the web console. The namespace will be used to deploy workloads in future steps.

  • Navigate to the project in your Org where the cluster is located.
  • Select Infrastructure -> Namespaces
  • Click "New Namespace"
  • Enter "windows" for the name
  • Select "Wizard" for the Type
  • Click "Save"

UI Namespace

  • Click "Save & Go To Placement"

UI Namespace

  • Select the cluster to create the namespace on
  • Click "Save & Go To Publish"

UI Namespace

  • Click "Publish"

The namespace is now published on the cluster.

UI Namespace

  • Click "Exit"

Step 2: Deploy Windows Workload

In this step, we will deploy a Windows workload into the previously created namespace.

  • Navigate to the project in your Org where the cluster is located.
  • Select Applications -> Workloads
  • Click "New Workload" -> "Create New Workload"
  • Enter "windows-workload" for the name
  • Select "k8s YAML" for the Package Type
  • Select "Upload files manually"
  • Select the "Windows" namespace
  • Click "Continue"

UI Workload

  • Save the below specification file to your computer as "windows-workload.yaml".


The 'nodeSelector' section, lines 40 & 41, specifies which OS to use. This is an important configuration to specify to avoid scheduling issues. Without a nodeSelector configuration, this deployment could be scheduled on a Linux node, causing it to fail. Kubernetes scheduling doesn't recognize Operating System, rather it is based on scores. For more information, please visit .

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: win-webserver
    app: win-webserver
    # the port that this service should serve on
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 80
    app: win-webserver
  type: NodePort
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: win-webserver
  name: win-webserver
  replicas: 2
      app: win-webserver
        app: win-webserver
      name: win-webserver
      - name: windowswebserver
        - powershell.exe
        - -command
        - "<#code used from> ; $$listener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener ; $$listener.Prefixes.Add('http://*:80/') ; $$listener.Start() ; $$callerCounts = @{} ; Write-Host('Listening at http://*:80/') ; while ($$listener.IsListening) { ;$$context = $$listener.GetContext() ;$$requestUrl = $$context.Request.Url ;$$clientIP = $$context.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address ;$$response = $$context.Response ;Write-Host '' ;Write-Host('> {0}' -f $$requestUrl) ;  ;$$count = 1 ;$$k=$$callerCounts.Get_Item($$clientIP) ;if ($$k -ne $$null) { $$count += $$k } ;$$callerCounts.Set_Item($$clientIP, $$count) ;$$ip=(Get-NetAdapter | Get-NetIpAddress); $$header='<html><body><H1>Windows Container Web Server</H1>' ;$$callerCountsString='' ;$$callerCounts.Keys | % { $$callerCountsString+='<p>IP {0} callerCount {1} ' -f $$ip[1].IPAddress,$$callerCounts.Item($$_) } ;$$footer='</body></html>' ;$$content='{0}{1}{2}' -f $$header,$$callerCountsString,$$footer ;Write-Output $$content ;$$buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($$content) ;$$response.ContentLength64 = $$buffer.Length ;$$response.OutputStream.Write($$buffer, 0, $$buffer.Length) ;$$response.Close() ;$$responseStatus = $$response.StatusCode ;Write-Host('< {0}' -f $$responseStatus)  } ; "
     nodeSelector: windows
  • Click "Choose File" to upload the previously created YAML file
  • Click "Save and Go To Placement"

UI Workload

  • Select the cluster to deploy the workload on
  • Click "Save & Go To Publish"

UI Workload

  • Click "Publish"

The workload is now published on the cluster.

UI Workload

  • Click "Exit"

Step 3: Validate Workload

In this step, we will verify the Windows workload is running and accessible.

  • Navigate to the project in your Org where the cluster is located.
  • Select Infrastructure -> Clusters
  • Click on the kubectl link of the cluster and type the following command
kubectl get pods -n windows

You should see output similar to the following showing the windows workload running

NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
win-webserver-df5876b96-4d7vm   1/1     Running   0          118s
win-webserver-df5876b96-6jt26   1/1     Running   0          118s
  • Enter the following command
kubectl get services -n windows

You should see output similar to the following showing the Cluster IP address of the service the workload is using.

NAME            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
win-webserver   NodePort   <none>        80:31125/TCP   2m38s
  • Enter the following command on the linux node. Be sure to update the cluster-ip address with the ip address previously obtained.
curl <cluster-ip>

You should see output similar to the following showing the web response from the windows workload.

<html><body><H1>Windows Container Web Server</H1><p>IP callerCount 1 </body></html>


Congratulations! At this point, you have successfully provisioned a Windows workload running on an MKS cluster.