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Users can integrate with CircleCI to build highly automated self-service pipelines for build and release processes. Users can quickly deploy their applications to 100s of clusters across heterogeneous providers.

Customers can use the pre-built CircleCI Orbs to help with the following:

  • Automate the deployments of Kubernetes clusters
  • Automate the deployments of containerized applications operating on managed Kubernetes clusters

CI/CD using CircleCI

CI Platforms like CircleCI can integrate directly with SCM such as GitHub to “checkout” source code, “build” a container image and “push” the resulting image to your preferred container registry.

CircleCI based pipelines can also be easily configured to directly interact with the Controller using the RCTL CLI utility. For GitOps type pipelines, you can store the workload’s configuration YAML in your Git repository.

We have partnered with CircleCI to develop and maintain "CircleCI Orbs" that help mutual customers.