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Volume Support For Resources

This feature provides the ability to augment the Terraform provisioning runtime with volumes (temporary) during provisioning or de-provisioning a resource. During the execution of an environment, users have the ability to attach these volumes as shown below, utilizing them as writable directories.

In the scenario where Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is disabled, an empty directory is created within volumes, thereby consuming memory on the host node of the Kubernetes cluster. In the event of enabling Persistent Volume Claims (PVC), users are required to furnish essential details such as the Storage Class (previously installed on the cluster), and the desired Size (GB). This action results in the mounting of the volume at the specified path. Users can add multiple volumes to manage resource template activities.

Reosurce Temp

For additional information on Volumes, refer to this page

Volume Support For Drivers

Similar to resources, users can add multiple volumes to manage custom Driver activities.

When developing a custom driver and incorporating it into Terraform, the execution of Terraform commands results in the attachment of volumes associated with this custom driver. The utilization of this custom driver also extends to hooks, where the execution of the hook leads to the attachment of these volumes.

Reosurce Temp

The custom driver equipped with volumes can be seamlessly integrated into a resource template. In scenarios where a resource template utilizes a driver with a specified volume mount path, users must ensure that a distinct volume mount path is provided during the creation of the resource template for resource activities. Failure to provide a different volume mount path during the resource provisioning process will result in the failure of resource provisioning.