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This section explains the frequently occurred errors during VMWare cluster provision

Scenario 1: Gateway not reachable

The below error is an example that might occur when the Gateway is not reachable

Error 1


To overcome this issue, perform the below checks:

  • Ensure to check the Gateway health. In the controller, navigate to Infrastructure -> Gateway. Click Check Health in the gateway page to view the health status
  • Ensure the gateway VM in the vCenter is up and running. The connection between gateway and the controller should be active
  • Restart the Gateway VM in the VCenter to make the gateway healthy

Scenario 2: K8s Version mismatch

The below error is an example that might occur when the VM Template K8s version does not match with the Control plane and worker node K8s version

Error 2


Edit and rectify VM template version is same as the K8s version of Control Plane and Workder Nodes

Scenario 3: Existing Control Plane IP

The below error is an example that might occur when using a control plane IP that is already used in the network

Error 2


Ensure the provided IP is not used by any other control plane or any other VM in the vCenter

Scenario 4: Duplicate IP for VM (Bootstrap agent VM)

The below error is an example that might occur when the VM(bootstrap agent VM) acquires the IP which is already used by some other VM in the vCenter

Duration : 1m0s
Failed to get connection to bootstrap agent, restart the agent machine <agent-name>


Ensure the VM’s that is created in the vCenter acquires unique IP